





The three volume “Students with Sai: Conversations” series from 1991 to 2004 is an exclusive compilation of the interactions that the students and staff members of the Sri Sathya Sai Institutions were blessed to have with Bhagavan on various occasions at the Prasanthi Nilayam Mandir, Institute and Hostel.


The current Book, the last in the series, covers the period from 2001 to 2004. These were the concluding years of over two decades when Swami blessed students and staff of His institutions with regular and personal interactions. Hence, we observe that between 2001 and 2003, Swami invariably spent long hours conversing with the staff and students in the Prasanthi Nilayam Mandir portico almost every single day. The pages of this book bear testimony to the variety of topics Swami has covered in these exchanges. From politics to science, from history to philosophy, from business management to town planning, there is no aspect of life that Swami has left uncovered in these dialogues. On many occasions, very fondly Swami reminisces the interactions that many notable public figures were blessed to have with Him. These included heads of state, bureaucrats, freedom fighters, musicians, cine stars, sportsmen, and the entire galaxy of eminent men and women that India has been endowed with in the last half a century. Many unknown facts of His early years, that have not been recorded elsewhere, have been shared by Swami in these conversations. For example, His meeting Mahatma Gandhi on many occasions during the final years of the Indian independence movement.


He reveals the guidance He gave to many eminent people during the formative years of free India. He shares some of His days at school and the journeys He made to the distant parts of India. He covers details about modern day scientific concepts such as cloning, the compulsions of coalition politics, and the vicissitudes of modern day business and economics with equal ease. The variety covered is unmatched and has to be read to be relished.


However, in all the multiplicity is the underlying message of unity. The message is that of integrating spirituality and human values in our daily life and conduct, and developing pure and selfless Divine Love for God. Through simple parables and stories, real-life incidents and examples, Bhagavan communicates the subtle truths and abstruse scriptural principles in practical ways. He has laced His conversations with a lot of wit and humour so that students can find in Him a close friend. However, He has displayed the love of a mother, and demanded the discipline of a father as and when the situation arose. In the course of these conversations, He has also given very clear instructions about His expectations about the philosophy and administration of the various educational, health care and service institutions established by Him. His concern for those working in these establishments also emerges through the conversations He has with the staff and administrators of these institutions. Most notably, His omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence is naturally revealed through these conversations and interactions. In this Book, the readers would undoubtedly be able to enjoy the various ‘Rasas’ of the unique relationship of Sri Sathya Sai and His Students.